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This painting is called “Raizes” which is Spanish for “Roots”. It is named as such for a couple of reasons, one of which includes the extraordinary yellow roots that are part of the anatomy of this other-worldly tree.  And such a marvelous timber she is! Alive with leggy roots ready to embrace those that take the time and effort to climb the hill and pay her a visit.


About 20 years ago, I too was led along the trail to visit this matron. I fell in love and the warmth felt so strong that I had to paint her back then, depicting the tree as well as Gonzalo and his father Rafael.


This year at Christmas 2023, Gonzalo took his sons and made sure that Benjamin and Leonardo paid a visit to the top of the hill.  Thus, this Family Tree embraced two younger Ayalas in her Raizes.


Please Enjoy.


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